Product Details

Active Orbital Kit 403 Double Header 2-in-1 sanding/polishing solution for automated defect repair
A product of:
Compliant Robot Technology GmbH
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The Active Orbital Kit 403 Double Header operates two tools on one robot without any device change. An electric random orbital sander/polisher based on the patented Active Compliant Technology provides constant contact force. Especially the industrial sanding and polishing process in partial paint repair benefits from this integrated ready-to-use solution since the system achieves a structure-free surface processing of all materials robot-compatible. The very unique feature is that the applied contact force is continuously validated in real time by innovative, redundant force monitoring via sensors and a conditioned calculation model. The robotic tool impresses with reacting extremely fast and highly sensitive due to a light design. All critical parameters, such as rotation speed, contact and process force as well as feed rate, may be individually controlled, thus enabling 100% process control. A fully integrated servo motor provides the drive.
FerRobotics Compliant Robot Technology GmbH
Altenbergerstraße 69
Phone: +43 720 108107-0