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Thickness determination of single- and mulitlayer coatings using terahertz technique
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Determining coating thicknesses on plastics and wall thicknesses are important steps in quality assurance in development and production.
The department Materials Characterization and Testing at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM has developed measurement systems that cover a wide range of applications. These industrial-grade terahertz measurement systems open up new possibilities for testing products in the plastics industry.
Not only aluminum and steel components are painted and coated. The automotive and aerospace industries in particular are among the largest consumers of painted plastic components. For quality control, all layers of the coatings must be recorded individually. This is where terahertz measurement technology comes in: fast and non-contact measurement of individual layer thicknesses in multi-layer composites on metal and plastic substrates with sub-micrometer resolution.
The department Materials Characterization and Testing at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM has developed measurement systems that cover a wide range of applications. These industrial-grade terahertz measurement systems open up new possibilities for testing products in the plastics industry.
Not only aluminum and steel components are painted and coated. The automotive and aerospace industries in particular are among the largest consumers of painted plastic components. For quality control, all layers of the coatings must be recorded individually. This is where terahertz measurement technology comes in: fast and non-contact measurement of individual layer thicknesses in multi-layer composites on metal and plastic substrates with sub-micrometer resolution.
Mr. Dr. Joachim Jonuscheit
Fraunhofer ITWM Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno-und Wirtschaftsmathematik
Fraunhofer-Platz 1
Phone: +49 631 316000