14 - 17 April 2026 in Karlsruhe PaintExpo

Exhibitor Details

IST Metz GmbH & Co. KG

About us

Offizieller Weltmarktführer für UV-, LED- und IR-Härtungssysteme, ergänzt durch Excimer-Technologie

Product portfolio


FREEcure: Revolutionary technology and outstanding features
The curing of varnishes and inks with UV light is a fast, proven and energyefficient method for cross-linking reactive ink and varnish systems. UV curing is use...
About the product
HANDcure: Mobile UV LED handset for spot and area curing
The HANDcure is used for UV curing and detection. UV materials such as lacquers, resins and adhesives are increasingly used in areas of production and repair wh...
About the product


Mr. Ronak Arslan
IST Metz GmbH & Co. KG


IST Metz GmbH & Co. KG

Lauterstraße 14-18
72622 Nürtingen

Phone: +49 7022 60020

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